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(Natural News) Over the past several years, avocado oil has really grown in popularity due to the many known health benefits of avocado fruit. But is all avocado oil created equally? Not exactly.

New research published in the journal Food Control has found that, much like olive oil, avocado oil purity and quality varies dramatically.

The report found that the vast majority of commercially available avocado oils labeled as “extra virgin” and “refined” are adulterated and / or of poor quality. A whopping 82 percent were also found to have gone rancid before their expiration date.!

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Nyeste kommentarer

15.10 | 23:10

Avacado handler mest om et "gammelt" syn på fett, så jeg ville nok ikke personlig byttet den ut først :)
Lykke til :)

15.10 | 23:07

Hei Irene
Kokos kan forverre fordøyelsen til Blodtype O, så bør unngås ved helseproblemer.

15.10 | 05:07

Hva er grunnen for å ikke inkludere kokos og Avocado for type O? Viktig kilde til fett i mitt kosthold

01.08 | 21:43

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