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Health experts have been digging through the data trying to figure out why so many children these days are suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, and they just may have stumbled upon one of the biggest culprits: the plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA).

New research published in the journal Environment International highlights the fact that BPA, like other chemicals used in plastics, is an endocrine disruptor, meaning it interferes with hormone production and balance.

Children exposed to BPA early on in life, the review found, are much more susceptible than other children to develop behavioral problems like hyperactivity later in life. The review looked at more than 30 different scientific studies on the subject, its authors declaring it to be a “compelling piece of evidence” in the puzzle of what causes ADHD.

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15.10 | 23:10

Avacado handler mest om et "gammelt" syn på fett, så jeg ville nok ikke personlig byttet den ut først :)
Lykke til :)

15.10 | 23:07

Hei Irene
Kokos kan forverre fordøyelsen til Blodtype O, så bør unngås ved helseproblemer.

15.10 | 05:07

Hva er grunnen for å ikke inkludere kokos og Avocado for type O? Viktig kilde til fett i mitt kosthold

01.08 | 21:43

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